all postcodes in L5 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L5 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L5 3RL 24 0 53.427554 -2.973931
L5 3RN 30 0 53.427267 -2.972721
L5 3RX 12 0 53.417254 -2.972658
L5 3SA 14 0 53.421037 -2.97285
L5 3SB 10 0 53.417891 -2.971709
L5 3SD 9 0 53.417375 -2.972089
L5 3SG 10 0 53.424624 -2.972751
L5 3SH 48 0 53.424241 -2.973404
L5 3SJ 22 0 53.417579 -2.975795
L5 3SL 15 0 53.417696 -2.974684
L5 3SN 6 0 53.418026 -2.973864
L5 3SP 5 0 53.418399 -2.977528
L5 3SR 32 1 53.419698 -2.977183
L5 3SS 8 0 53.418195 -2.971852
L5 3ST 22 0 53.418152 -2.972739
L5 3SU 14 0 53.417461 -2.973761
L5 3SW 6 0 53.418136 -2.973641
L5 3SX 8 0 53.417249 -2.974343
L5 3SY 24 0 53.420676 -2.972962
L5 3SZ 14 0 53.421971 -2.972946