all postcodes in L5 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L5 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L5 4TD 18 0 53.420228 -2.96612
L5 4TE 62 0 53.422032 -2.965438
L5 4TF 18 0 53.422536 -2.966458
L5 4TG 28 0 53.421048 -2.964844
L5 4TH 11 0 53.423568 -2.963321
L5 4TJ 52 0 53.421967 -2.963436
L5 4TL 28 0 53.422707 -2.963001
L5 4TN 21 0 53.422659 -2.961254
L5 4TP 22 0 53.422664 -2.963873
L5 4TQ 28 0 53.424024 -2.963618
L5 4TR 39 0 53.422858 -2.962147
L5 4TW 8 0 53.423226 -2.96226
L5 4NA 1 53.42223 -2.969596