all postcodes in L5 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L5 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L5 6QX 36 0 53.424414 -2.957637
L5 6QY 36 0 53.424701 -2.957658
L5 6QZ 41 0 53.424856 -2.957361
L5 6RA 5 0 53.425866 -2.958151
L5 6RB 4 0 53.425994 -2.957823
L5 6RH 37 2 53.425123 -2.956539
L5 6RJ 27 0 53.425261 -2.956241
L5 6RN 20 0 53.426624 -2.96336
L5 6RP 98 0 53.426745 -2.960549
L5 6RR 50 0 53.425812 -2.962635
L5 6RS 15 0 53.426868 -2.958715
L5 6RU 4 0 53.426605 -2.95898
L5 6RW 148 1 53.426708 -2.961827
L5 6RX 8 0 53.426753 -2.958412
L5 6RY 39 0 53.425707 -2.962196
L5 6RZ 29 0 53.426424 -2.959172
L5 6SA 38 0 53.425474 -2.9621
L5 6SB 27 0 53.426246 -2.958882
L5 6SE 28 0 53.425358 -2.961992
L5 6SF 20 0 53.426205 -2.958475