all postcodes in L5 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L5 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L5 8XL 16 0 53.419954 -2.983177
L5 8XN 6 0 53.419541 -2.985138
L5 8XR 1 1 53.419394 -2.984564
L5 8XS 17 0 53.422227 -2.984404
L5 8XT 10 0 53.422516 -2.983176
L5 8XU 10 0 53.422338 -2.982856
L5 8XW 2 0 53.420157 -2.983573
L5 8XX 8 0 53.419266 -2.988172
L5 8XY 15 0 53.421537 -2.988481
L5 8XZ 13 0 53.419159 -2.989148
L5 8YB 2 0 53.422469 -2.984348
L5 8YD 11 0 53.422383 -2.985145
L5 8YE 12 0 53.421846 -2.984891
L5 8YF 19 0 53.418828 -2.98899
L5 8YG 9 0 53.418678 -2.988565
L5 8YH 37 0 53.418966 -2.988587
L5 8YL 14 0 53.418918 -2.985712
L5 8YP 19 0 53.42194 -2.987617
L5 8YQ 9 0 53.418769 -2.987363
L5 8YR 4 0 53.42029 -2.989173