all postcodes in L6 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L6 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L6 5LB 2 2 53.421927 -2.959266
L6 5LG 84 0 53.422484 -2.953877
L6 5LH 18 0 53.425724 -2.951075
L6 5LL 8 0 53.422802 -2.955735
L6 5LN 8 0 53.423845 -2.953471
L6 5LP 35 0 53.42384 -2.953997
L6 5LQ 26 0 53.41919 -2.956587
L6 5LR 14 0 53.423508 -2.956172
L6 5LS 15 0 53.423366 -2.954814
L6 5LT 10 0 53.420546 -2.953397
L6 5LU 16 0 53.419155 -2.953185
L6 5LW 35 0 53.423354 -2.955265
L6 5LX 11 0 53.419973 -2.953188
L6 5LY 14 0 53.420332 -2.953211
L6 5LZ 21 0 53.418685 -2.953506
L6 5NA 39 0 53.419229 -2.954075
L6 5NB 5 0 53.419911 -2.954135
L6 5ND 11 0 53.419611 -2.953496
L6 5ED 1 0 53.421296 -2.948388
L6 5DF 0 53.420408 -2.956072