all postcodes in L69 / BOOTLE

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L69 3GF 1 1 53.408423 -2.967597
L69 3GH 1 1 53.406019 -2.968009
L69 3GJ 1 1 53.406318 -2.965428
L69 3GL 1 1 53.406735 -2.968447
L69 3GN 1 1 53.408922 -2.967007
L69 3GP 1 1 53.407914 -2.969391
L69 3GQ 1 1 53.406752 -2.968446
L69 3GS 1 1 53.406864 -2.969126
L69 3GW 1 1 53.403765 -2.967792
L69 3HS 1 1 53.380332 -2.976431
L69 3JA 1 1 53.380332 -2.976431
L69 3JD 1 1 53.380332 -2.976431
L69 3JU 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 3NF 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 3NX 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 3PT 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 3QF 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 3RB 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 3SD 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 3SG 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431