all postcodes in L7 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L7 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L7 2QQ 21 0 53.409064 -2.949274
L7 2QR 3 0 53.409245 -2.950195
L7 2QS 23 1 53.411214 -2.950239
L7 2QT 19 1 53.411055 -2.951063
L7 2QU 19 0 53.410356 -2.950777
L7 2QX 8 0 53.411602 -2.951151
L7 2RE 31 2 53.412001 -2.952874
L7 2RF 48 17 53.412181 -2.949554
L7 2RG 27 14 53.412224 -2.946425
L7 2RJ 1 1 53.411619 -2.953362
L7 2RN 16 10 53.411891 -2.946523
L7 2SA 31 0 53.411145 -2.952088
L7 2PD 0 53.407518 -2.952654
L7 2QN 0 53.411309 -2.949625
L7 2QZ 0 53.410635 -2.949534
L7 2PW 0 53.411814 -2.948116
L7 2GB 0 53.411914 -2.949262
L7 2AB 1 1 53.408348 -2.948987