all postcodes in L7 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L7 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L7 3JQ 23 0 53.402376 -2.956134
L7 3JS 9 0 53.402067 -2.956503
L7 3JU 18 0 53.401696 -2.956886
L7 3LA 56 0 53.401917 -2.95847
L7 3LB 60 0 53.401597 -2.958012
L7 3LJ 36 0 53.3988 -2.953647
L7 3LL 32 0 53.399485 -2.95455
L7 3LN 2 0 53.40028 -2.953921
L7 3LP 13 0 53.399759 -2.952887
L7 3LS 14 0 53.400552 -2.952604
L7 3LT 14 0 53.39962 -2.953455
L7 3LW 14 0 53.399008 -2.952419
L7 3LZ 1 1 53.40262 -2.960381
L7 3NY 2 2 53.40317 -2.961266
L7 3PD 1 0 53.403227 -2.958725
L7 3PE 8 0 53.402941 -2.955214
L7 3PF 1 1 53.404636 -2.955628
L7 3PG 8 0 53.402061 -2.954984
L7 3PP 21 0 53.40163 -2.954944
L7 3PR 1 1 53.404124 -2.960129