all postcodes in L7 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L7 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L7 8RA 65 0 53.410787 -2.959783
L7 8RB 49 0 53.410035 -2.959435
L7 8RD 57 0 53.410168 -2.959603
L7 8RE 37 0 53.410598 -2.956469
L7 8RF 34 0 53.410354 -2.956644
L7 8RG 22 0 53.410845 -2.958114
L7 8RH 10 0 53.408364 -2.958164
L7 8RJ 18 0 53.40997 -2.958531
L7 8RL 3 0 53.408595 -2.95853
L7 8RN 2 0 53.408788 -2.958985
L7 8RP 36 0 53.408638 -2.956545
L7 8RQ 30 0 53.409641 -2.958147
L7 8RR 37 0 53.409758 -2.959233
L7 8RS 14 0 53.409471 -2.959121
L7 8RT 23 0 53.410914 -2.957454
L7 8RU 62 0 53.409628 -2.9575
L7 8RW 38 0 53.408889 -2.956596
L7 8RX 26 0 53.408252 -2.957545
L7 8RY 29 0 53.411 -2.956794
L7 8RZ 61 0 53.409633 -2.956853