all postcodes in L70 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L70 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L70 1PJ 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1PL 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1PP 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1PT 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1PU 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1QT 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1RF 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1RX 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1WX 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1WY 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1WZ 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1WT 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L70 1ZT 1 53.404561 -2.98368
L70 1AB 1 1 53.347655 -2.878432