all postcodes in L7 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L7 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L7 0JJ 37 0 53.412768 -2.934311
L7 0JL 59 0 53.41228 -2.930118
L7 0JN 33 0 53.412696 -2.933076
L7 0JP 35 0 53.412989 -2.93248
L7 0JQ 29 0 53.412575 -2.934984
L7 0JR 43 0 53.412807 -2.932853
L7 0JS 60 0 53.412612 -2.930291
L7 0JT 47 0 53.411799 -2.929566
L7 0JU 12 0 53.411477 -2.929439
L7 0JW 54 0 53.412792 -2.933544
L7 0JX 40 0 53.411186 -2.928499
L7 0JY 18 0 53.412958 -2.931742
L7 0JZ 31 1 53.41284 -2.932162
L7 0LA 28 19 53.41261 -2.943049
L7 0LB 24 6 53.413097 -2.940562
L7 0LD 22 5 53.413713 -2.937717
L7 0LG 15 0 53.414094 -2.934957
L7 0LH 38 2 53.410228 -2.938392
L7 0LJ 10 2 53.410632 -2.936281
L7 0LP 105 0 53.411883 -2.938414