all postcodes in L8 / LIVERPOOL

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L8 0RA 40 0 53.396259 -2.946477
L8 0RB 40 0 53.396401 -2.946736
L8 0RD 40 0 53.395651 -2.945005
L8 0RE 42 0 53.396164 -2.945979
L8 0RF 41 0 53.396198 -2.94631
L8 0RG 41 0 53.396006 -2.945539
L8 0RH 46 0 53.395975 -2.944997
L8 0RJ 41 0 53.395972 -2.945358
L8 0RL 39 0 53.39254 -2.944936
L8 0RN 51 1 53.395311 -2.947028
L8 0RP 57 0 53.394791 -2.946926
L8 0RQ 41 0 53.396067 -2.945841
L8 0RR 65 0 53.394439 -2.947038
L8 0RS 69 0 53.394313 -2.947036
L8 0RT 53 0 53.393816 -2.946318
L8 0RU 74 0 53.390027 -2.946745
L8 0RW 53 0 53.394872 -2.946717
L8 0RX 86 0 53.38973 -2.946904
L8 0RY 52 0 53.391748 -2.946136
L8 0RZ 23 0 53.391671 -2.946977