all postcodes in L8 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L8 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L8 1XY 15 0 53.393768 -2.965776
L8 1YB 21 0 53.396399 -2.960572
L8 1YD 20 0 53.396505 -2.959627
L8 1YE 28 0 53.396794 -2.958385
L8 1YJ 1 0 53.396486 -2.961807
L8 1YP 34 0 53.393386 -2.971858
L8 1YQ 15 2 53.395689 -2.960466
L8 1YR 5 2 53.392839 -2.968372
L8 1YS 36 0 53.39415 -2.967424
L8 1YT 33 0 53.393962 -2.968427
L8 1YU 11 0 53.396183 -2.959484
L8 1YW 40 0 53.393294 -2.970938
L8 1YX 7 0 53.395939 -2.955163
L8 1YY 36 0 53.394209 -2.973471
L8 1TL 8 0 53.395788 -2.966077
L8 1TN 8 0 53.395916 -2.965749
L8 1TX 1 1 53.395471 -2.965243
L8 1UT 1 53.393723 -2.973399
L8 1TQ 0 53.394297 -2.964795