all postcodes in L8 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L8 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L8 7SS 1 53.398461 -2.960077
L8 7ST 0 53.400153 -2.959769
L8 7SU 0 53.400116 -2.961077
L8 7SX 1 53.39934 -2.958126
L8 7SY 5 53.395741 -2.968422
L8 7SZ 1 53.397664 -2.955246
L8 7TA 0 53.398423 -2.968152
L8 7SW 1 0 53.397057 -2.955864
L8 7SP 0 53.397855 -2.965026
L8 7BL 8 4 53.397776 -2.953534
L8 7AB 9 0 53.398971 -2.950282