all postcodes in L9 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L9 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L9 3BA 25 0 53.461358 -2.965427
L9 3BB 20 0 53.461392 -2.968997
L9 3BD 10 0 53.460276 -2.968053
L9 3BE 14 0 53.460303 -2.969168
L9 3BG 35 0 53.460715 -2.96597
L9 3BH 35 0 53.460948 -2.96834
L9 3BJ 36 0 53.460199 -2.969784
L9 3BL 8 0 53.460559 -2.965243
L9 3BN 25 0 53.461892 -2.968286
L9 3BP 50 0 53.462054 -2.969434
L9 3BQ 31 0 53.460981 -2.965343
L9 3BR 34 0 53.461794 -2.965919
L9 3BS 14 0 53.462085 -2.967763
L9 3BT 18 0 53.456959 -2.964785
L9 3BU 1 1 53.459083 -2.963342
L9 3BW 28 0 53.46205 -2.968711
L9 3BX 19 3 53.460317 -2.962933
L9 3BY 6 3 53.456708 -2.962385
L9 3BZ 5 4 53.459873 -2.962336
L9 3DA 34 0 53.455716 -2.9706