all postcodes in L9 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L9 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L9 7HA 12 1 53.459431 -2.937323
L9 7HJ 1 1 53.459844 -2.947997
L9 7JX 1 1 53.462959 -2.946153
L9 7LA 1 1 53.46568 -2.938531
L9 7LD 1 1 53.458705 -2.949854
L9 7LF 66 0 53.466203 -2.940637
L9 7LG 64 0 53.465441 -2.940333
L9 7LJ 1 1 53.466395 -2.931
L9 7LN 1 1 53.465952 -2.935991
L9 7LQ 1 1 53.468611 -2.93501
L9 7LR 1 1 53.462959 -2.946153
L9 7LT 8 0 53.464558 -2.942965
L9 7LU 56 0 53.464326 -2.944948
L9 7LX 14 0 53.465144 -2.943882
L9 7LY 1 1 53.462959 -2.946153
L9 7LZ 14 0 53.465495 -2.942685
L9 7JN 3 53.457957 -2.943301
L9 7WX 1 1 53.462959 -2.946153
L9 7DT 1 53.457213 -2.946235
L9 7LH 1 53.460927 -2.936031