all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 1DN 9 0 54.053082 -2.793668
LA1 1DQ 12 3 54.052545 -2.79601
LA1 1DT 3 3 54.051563 -2.796102
LA1 1DU 1 0 54.052372 -2.793414
LA1 1DW 22 1 54.052569 -2.793571
LA1 1DX 31 0 54.052475 -2.792985
LA1 1DY 32 0 54.05255 -2.792348
LA1 1DZ 31 0 54.052989 -2.792555
LA1 1EA 42 0 54.053133 -2.792543
LA1 1EB 3 0 54.053202 -2.791807
LA1 1EE 12 1 54.050625 -2.802205
LA1 1EG 25 19 54.049376 -2.802078
LA1 1EJ 14 0 54.053505 -2.791939
LA1 1EQ 1 1 54.050848 -2.803588
LA1 1ER 1 1 54.049426 -2.802629
LA1 1ES 1 1 54.049345 -2.802658
LA1 1ET 11 9 54.049937 -2.802731
LA1 1EW 27 12 54.049355 -2.802429
LA1 1EX 26 16 54.04929 -2.803035
LA1 1EZ 17 2 54.050229 -2.802156