all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 2LN 2 2 54.057006 -2.802237
LA1 2LP 9 0 54.059474 -2.805405
LA1 2LQ 64 0 54.059701 -2.803622
LA1 2LR 8 0 54.060341 -2.808798
LA1 2LS 19 3 54.060692 -2.807354
LA1 2LT 9 0 54.060823 -2.807982
LA1 2LU 59 0 54.060192 -2.805541
LA1 2LW 60 0 54.058623 -2.804976
LA1 2LX 20 0 54.060095 -2.802575
LA1 2LY 38 0 54.060702 -2.804466
LA1 2LZ 27 1 54.061428 -2.80613
LA1 2NA 23 0 54.060704 -2.805612
LA1 2NB 51 0 54.062085 -2.804692
LA1 2ND 18 0 54.061521 -2.802924
LA1 2NE 6 0 54.061776 -2.803769
LA1 2NF 39 1 54.062031 -2.803377
LA1 2NG 22 0 54.061443 -2.80251
LA1 2NH 19 0 54.062335 -2.80216
LA1 2NN 13 0 54.060851 -2.809022
LA1 2NP 22 0 54.061344 -2.807931