all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 3JY 4 1 54.058426 -2.777504
LA1 3LA 4 4 54.039884 -2.780334
LA1 3LD 1 1 54.048151 -2.803827
LA1 3LE 1 1 54.053745 -2.786887
LA1 3LF 41 0 54.053841 -2.786018
LA1 3LG 12 0 54.054618 -2.786766
LA1 3LH 13 0 54.055271 -2.785893
LA1 3LJ 25 0 54.055821 -2.785506
LA1 3LL 39 0 54.057018 -2.78533
LA1 3LN 15 0 54.055681 -2.78506
LA1 3LP 68 0 54.056186 -2.783344
LA1 3LQ 15 0 54.055017 -2.786117
LA1 3LR 11 0 54.055109 -2.784423
LA1 3LS 29 1 54.054906 -2.783976
LA1 3LT 10 0 54.055363 -2.782778
LA1 3LU 22 0 54.056104 -2.782196
LA1 3LW 54 0 54.056733 -2.783522
LA1 3LX 19 0 54.056147 -2.781036
LA1 3LY 11 0 54.057332 -2.782662
LA1 3LZ 53 0 54.057422 -2.785399