all postcodes in LA11 / GRANGE-OVER-SANDS

find any address or company within the LA11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA11 7BF 0 54.189025 -2.918141
LA11 7BG 2 54.173431 -2.926512
LA11 7BH 0 54.175213 -2.924928
LA11 7BJ 0 54.177158 -2.923317
LA11 7BL 0 54.1758 -2.925692
LA11 7BN 0 54.18825 -2.918446
LA11 7BP 0 54.176865 -2.926268
LA11 7BS 0 54.177644 -2.926653
LA11 7BT 0 54.177671 -2.925565
LA11 7BU 0 54.177478 -2.924872
LA11 7BX 0 54.17803 -2.92447
LA11 7BY 0 54.177941 -2.925464
LA11 7BZ 0 54.1769 -2.925211
LA11 7DB 0 54.175024 -2.929581
LA11 7DD 0 54.17617 -2.933713
LA11 7DJ 3 54.187956 -2.915665
LA11 7DP 1 54.1872 -2.916997
LA11 7DQ 0 54.187797 -2.914175
LA11 7DR 0 54.186732 -2.91478
LA11 7DS 0 54.186561 -2.913581