all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 7EJ 7 0 54.197014 -3.092694
LA12 7EL 11 0 54.197521 -3.092339
LA12 7EN 23 3 54.198141 -3.092325
LA12 7EP 11 0 54.197712 -3.095073
LA12 7EQ 68 6 54.196885 -3.09404
LA12 7ER 35 4 54.19757 -3.095851
LA12 7ES 70 1 54.19881 -3.095884
LA12 7ET 6 1 54.197977 -3.096552
LA12 7EU 13 0 54.198178 -3.094212
LA12 7EW 24 1 54.19746 -3.094055
LA12 7EX 5 0 54.198537 -3.093255
LA12 7EY 28 0 54.198688 -3.094394
LA12 7EZ 12 0 54.199212 -3.093151
LA12 7FA 9 0 54.199852 -3.095942
LA12 7FB 4 0 54.196505 -3.095348
LA12 7FE 7 0 54.196375 -3.095728
LA12 7GB 1 1 54.194832 -3.094415
LA12 7GD 1 1 54.194832 -3.094415
LA12 7HA 15 0 54.199835 -3.091879
LA12 7HB 1 0 54.199498 -3.090368