all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 7AY 15 10 54.196043 -3.095688
LA12 7BA 13 8 54.195759 -3.096278
LA12 7BB 10 2 54.196239 -3.096889
LA12 7BD 17 3 54.196065 -3.097221
LA12 7BE 31 0 54.195484 -3.098861
LA12 7BG 9 0 54.196477 -3.099394
LA12 7BH 32 4 54.196555 -3.096759
LA12 7BJ 23 2 54.197233 -3.097283
LA12 7BL 14 0 54.197678 -3.096789
LA12 7BN 13 0 54.197529 -3.098379
LA12 7BP 15 0 54.197773 -3.098217
LA12 7BS 26 3 54.19842 -3.097177
LA12 7BT 1 1 54.198882 -3.097833
LA12 7BU 14 0 54.198091 -3.098762
LA12 7BW 3 0 54.198125 -3.10097
LA12 7BX 48 0 54.199277 -3.097843
LA12 7BY 10 0 54.199104 -3.099034
LA12 7BZ 1 0 54.199091 -3.098574
LA12 7DA 22 0 54.200169 -3.097606
LA12 7DB 19 0 54.200724 -3.098862