all postcodes in LA14 / BARROW-IN-FURNESS

find any address or company within the LA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA14 2BE 1 0 54.110251 -3.212171
LA14 2BF 42 0 54.112871 -3.21699
LA14 2BG 36 0 54.108855 -3.211549
LA14 2BH 64 0 54.108881 -3.209883
LA14 2BJ 31 1 54.112258 -3.218992
LA14 2BL 2 0 54.112252 -3.218651
LA14 2BN 2 0 54.11202 -3.218415
LA14 2BP 36 0 54.111862 -3.219056
LA14 2BQ 12 0 54.108744 -3.211822
LA14 2BS 15 0 54.111702 -3.21974
LA14 2BT 2 1 54.111074 -3.21955
LA14 2BU 30 1 54.111613 -3.217856
LA14 2BW 10 2 54.111484 -3.219137
LA14 2BX 19 0 54.11202 -3.217654
LA14 2BY 2 0 54.112586 -3.21759
LA14 2BZ 33 0 54.112777 -3.217431
LA14 2DA 32 0 54.112401 -3.21817
LA14 2DB 36 0 54.112635 -3.218192
LA14 2DG 20 8 54.112032 -3.220882
LA14 2DJ 1 1 54.110719 -3.221822