all postcodes in LA14 / BARROW-IN-FURNESS

find any address or company within the LA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA14 1DD 2 0 54.114555 -3.225465
LA14 1DE 25 0 54.114659 -3.225074
LA14 1DF 3 0 54.115012 -3.224794
LA14 1DG 32 0 54.114964 -3.224242
LA14 1DH 19 11 54.115302 -3.223621
LA14 1DJ 33 8 54.114795 -3.224053
LA14 1DL 6 4 54.114526 -3.224933
LA14 1DN 12 0 54.115007 -3.222652
LA14 1DP 2 1 54.114417 -3.223105
LA14 1DQ 4 1 54.115273 -3.22393
LA14 1DR 28 0 54.114457 -3.223707
LA14 1DS 21 17 54.113976 -3.223245
LA14 1DT 3 0 54.114327 -3.224131
LA14 1DU 13 12 54.11368 -3.224143
LA14 1DW 11 8 54.114643 -3.22302
LA14 1DX 4 4 54.112179 -3.225778
LA14 1DY 1 1 54.113875 -3.223552
LA14 1DZ 1 0 54.113695 -3.223562
LA14 1EA 33 0 54.113834 -3.223122
LA14 1EB 31 0 54.11334 -3.223949