all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 1YT 1 1 54.048151 -2.803827
LA1 1YX 10 0 54.050017 -2.804275
LA1 1YY 4 0 54.050404 -2.804401
LA1 1YZ 2 0 54.051036 -2.805253
LA1 1AJ 8 0 54.048337 -2.804166
LA1 1BL 25 0 54.051316 -2.802207
LA1 1BN 2 1 54.05104 -2.802061
LA1 1BZ 1 1 54.050483 -2.803169
LA1 1WT 1 0 54.049286 -2.800717
LA1 1NH 0 54.049884 -2.798591
LA1 1BS 4 4 54.053972 -2.794789
LA1 1DR 13 0 54.052006 -2.793025
LA1 1AQ 0 54.044814 -2.800291
LA1 1AR 0 54.045027 -2.800452
LA1 1AN 5 0 54.045302 -2.801068
LA1 1AT 0 54.046185 -2.796595
LA1 1AU 0 54.04565 -2.797303
LA1 1YF 1 0 54.046903 -2.798376
LA1 1BB 100 0 54.054676 -2.793195
LA1 1SN 1 1 54.047292 -2.797747