all postcodes in LA2 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA2 7DE 3 0 54.124354 -2.560345
LA2 7DF 11 0 54.11343 -2.529588
LA2 7DG 5 0 54.108699 -2.522678
LA2 7DH 8 1 54.102956 -2.505276
LA2 7DJ 2 0 54.103421 -2.502088
LA2 7DL 14 0 54.096741 -2.506332
LA2 7DN 8 0 54.102075 -2.528373
LA2 7DP 3 0 54.119236 -2.538293
LA2 7DQ 5 0 54.101036 -2.515086
LA2 7DR 5 0 54.11928 -2.537924
LA2 7DS 9 1 54.119439 -2.537087
LA2 7DT 3 0 54.119178 -2.536439
LA2 7DU 4 0 54.119234 -2.536748
LA2 7DW 1 0 54.102274 -2.538056
LA2 7DX 6 0 54.119411 -2.536656
LA2 7DY 6 0 54.119609 -2.536536
LA2 7DZ 13 0 54.120398 -2.534986
LA2 7EA 1 0 54.120551 -2.537038
LA2 7EB 6 1 54.120709 -2.53779
LA2 7ED 9 0 54.120388 -2.537342