all postcodes in LA2 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA2 8BG 2 0 54.111181 -2.357833
LA2 8BH 21 1 54.109813 -2.357635
LA2 8BJ 12 4 54.110806 -2.356928
LA2 8BL 8 0 54.112784 -2.356761
LA2 8BN 23 1 54.112661 -2.355796
LA2 8BP 9 0 54.113819 -2.35342
LA2 8BQ 10 1 54.109723 -2.361706
LA2 8BS 24 2 54.115217 -2.353689
LA2 8BT 4 0 54.113062 -2.355873
LA2 8BW 7 0 54.113364 -2.354193
LA2 8BX 8 0 54.114061 -2.355453
LA2 8BY 6 1 54.109953 -2.355862
LA2 8BZ 1 0 54.10878 -2.341826
LA2 8DA 3 0 54.108646 -2.354183
LA2 8DB 4 0 54.103165 -2.350619
LA2 8DD 4 0 54.102847 -2.339009
LA2 8DE 1 0 54.095964 -2.325589
LA2 8DF 17 0 54.104629 -2.32303
LA2 8DG 7 0 54.120627 -2.321835
LA2 8DH 2 0 54.118239 -2.34154