all postcodes in LA4 / MORECAMBE

find any address or company within the LA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA4 4SE 22 0 54.063676 -2.852943
LA4 4SF 15 0 54.062828 -2.854621
LA4 4SG 8 0 54.064449 -2.851645
LA4 4SH 30 0 54.065296 -2.851311
LA4 4SJ 34 0 54.065804 -2.850649
LA4 4SL 25 0 54.064205 -2.85439
LA4 4SN 9 0 54.06473 -2.853851
LA4 4SP 36 0 54.063704 -2.853982
LA4 4SQ 19 0 54.064762 -2.850566
LA4 4SR 8 0 54.062953 -2.853448
LA4 4SS 53 0 54.062668 -2.853029
LA4 4ST 4 0 54.06228 -2.850745
LA4 4SU 6 0 54.062434 -2.853131
LA4 4SW 8 0 54.064383 -2.852102
LA4 4SX 20 0 54.062 -2.853443
LA4 4SY 23 0 54.062147 -2.851842
LA4 4SZ 24 10 54.061569 -2.852243
LA4 4TA 1 1 54.060524 -2.858898
LA4 4TD 19 0 54.061425 -2.85722
LA4 4TE 7 0 54.061194 -2.858193