all postcodes in LA8 / KENDAL

find any address or company within the LA8 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA8 9BJ 4 0 54.360205 -2.678781
LA8 9BL 7 0 54.359955 -2.667144
LA8 9BN 2 0 54.35831 -2.660718
LA8 9BP 2 0 54.362464 -2.660415
LA8 9BS 9 0 54.367283 -2.661832
LA8 9BT 6 0 54.367981 -2.6525
LA8 9BU 41 1 54.368301 -2.649702
LA8 9BX 10 0 54.366378 -2.634419
LA8 9BY 4 0 54.363357 -2.626123
LA8 9BZ 2 0 54.352392 -2.605235
LA8 9DA 1 0 54.368853 -2.598532
LA8 9DB 1 0 54.371608 -2.595756
LA8 9DD 2 0 54.382341 -2.625491
LA8 9DE 3 0 54.374123 -2.617482
LA8 9DG 1 0 54.380127 -2.58484
LA8 9DH 9 0 54.351308 -2.714529
LA8 9DJ 11 0 54.351971 -2.713419
LA8 9DL 9 7 54.354722 -2.708651
LA8 9DN 7 0 54.354278 -2.70772
LA8 9DP 12 0 54.35297 -2.707019