all postcodes in LD2 / BUILTH WELLS

find any address or company within the LD2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LD / Llandrindod Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LD2 3AA 5 3 52.148897 -3.403418
LD2 3AB 34 13 52.148488 -3.403054
LD2 3AD 1 1 52.148342 -3.403254
LD2 3AE 1 1 52.149598 -3.401218
LD2 3AF 1 1 52.148437 -3.404339
LD2 3AG 9 3 52.14817 -3.403366
LD2 3AH 13 6 52.14835 -3.404058
LD2 3AJ 11 0 52.056416 -3.341397
LD2 3AL 12 1 52.148539 -3.405584
LD2 3AN 11 2 52.147802 -3.404787
LD2 3AP 8 0 52.149179 -3.406233
LD2 3AQ 5 0 52.063501 -3.318297
LD2 3AR 55 6 52.149266 -3.40796
LD2 3AS 11 0 52.149807 -3.410857
LD2 3AT 12 0 52.148374 -3.407333
LD2 3AU 23 1 52.150204 -3.409218
LD2 3AW 40 0 52.14681 -3.405033
LD2 3AX 2 0 52.043306 -3.345364
LD2 3AY 6 0 52.149882 -3.407571
LD2 3AZ 1 0 52.046227 -3.341637