all postcodes in LD5 / LLANWRTYD WELLS

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Postcode Area

LD / Llandrindod Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LD5 4AB 1 0 52.135189 -3.627067
LD5 4AD 8 0 52.116061 -3.665236
LD5 4AF 4 0 52.103404 -3.611995
LD5 4BA 1 0 52.109036 -3.634712
LD5 4RA 25 5 52.107624 -3.639805
LD5 4RB 2 2 52.107621 -3.638179
LD5 4RD 7 1 52.107994 -3.63846
LD5 4RE 8 1 52.107609 -3.637687
LD5 4RF 11 1 52.108215 -3.636745
LD5 4RG 15 2 52.107957 -3.635305
LD5 4RH 33 1 52.107151 -3.637626
LD5 4RL 18 0 52.106953 -3.635735
LD5 4RN 6 0 52.106071 -3.63579
LD5 4RP 6 2 52.105059 -3.631607
LD5 4RR 6 1 52.102184 -3.621675
LD5 4RS 7 1 52.105879 -3.626905
LD5 4RT 26 0 52.108457 -3.633585
LD5 4RU 23 0 52.107206 -3.635628
LD5 4RW 17 1 52.106333 -3.636968
LD5 4SA 6 0 52.109606 -3.633744