all postcodes in LE10 / HINCKLEY

find any address or company within the LE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE10 0GG 29 0 52.553127 -1.388552
LE10 0GH 33 0 52.546868 -1.377903
LE10 0GJ 17 0 52.553074 -1.390544
LE10 0GL 3 3 52.554496 -1.387294
LE10 0GN 14 0 52.533403 -1.392054
LE10 0GP 22 0 52.532674 -1.393656
LE10 0GR 11 0 52.533046 -1.392605
LE10 0GS 4 0 52.536839 -1.375204
LE10 0GT 6 0 52.537352 -1.375354
LE10 0GU 21 0 52.552839 -1.393777
LE10 0HA 40 0 52.549358 -1.38999
LE10 0HB 32 0 52.55065 -1.392952
LE10 0HD 32 0 52.549584 -1.390253
LE10 0HE 9 0 52.544397 -1.374709
LE10 0HF 23 0 52.548294 -1.382366
LE10 0HG 31 2 52.545311 -1.375802
LE10 0HH 24 0 52.546366 -1.379916
LE10 0HJ 28 0 52.549232 -1.379644
LE10 0HL 26 0 52.548909 -1.379585
LE10 0HN 36 0 52.550188 -1.386985