all postcodes in LE10 / HINCKLEY

find any address or company within the LE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE10 0HP 36 0 52.549859 -1.377315
LE10 0HQ 35 0 52.547964 -1.381221
LE10 0HR 41 0 52.547422 -1.375492
LE10 0HS 29 0 52.549817 -1.377832
LE10 0HT 36 0 52.547398 -1.376038
LE10 0HU 43 0 52.550293 -1.386364
LE10 0HW 3 0 52.547883 -1.382844
LE10 0HX 23 0 52.550929 -1.391149
LE10 0HY 4 0 52.549977 -1.384422
LE10 0HZ 32 0 52.549588 -1.387436
LE10 0JA 50 0 52.551328 -1.39539
LE10 0JB 54 0 52.553189 -1.392002
LE10 0JD 68 0 52.537972 -1.380314
LE10 0JE 19 0 52.552785 -1.391919
LE10 0JF 10 0 52.552408 -1.393886
LE10 0JG 20 0 52.553508 -1.392779
LE10 0JH 19 0 52.553153 -1.393669
LE10 0JL 22 1 52.53655 -1.385288
LE10 0JN 50 0 52.534671 -1.390489
LE10 0JQ 69 0 52.535014 -1.387137