all postcodes in LE9 / LEICESTER

find any address or company within the LE9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LE / Leicester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LE9 9FS 26 20 52.649234 -1.309262
LE9 9FT 1 0 52.647404 -1.300713
LE9 9FW 17 0 52.62719 -1.286424
LE9 9FX 18 0 52.624185 -1.293475
LE9 9FY 31 0 52.623535 -1.291565
LE9 9FZ 39 0 52.62375 -1.292936
LE9 9GA 10 0 52.624949 -1.299564
LE9 9GB 4 0 52.625006 -1.299992
LE9 9GD 17 0 52.626917 -1.293328
LE9 9GE 5 1 52.627875 -1.297139
LE9 9GF 14 0 52.627719 -1.29819
LE9 9GG 1 0 52.627931 -1.287018
LE9 9GH 1 0 52.626004 -1.292486
LE9 9GJ 12 0 52.625032 -1.298278
LE9 9GL 2 0 52.624956 -1.296142
LE9 9GN 25 2 52.630531 -1.297938
LE9 9GP 2 0 52.629239 -1.295246
LE9 9GQ 5 0 52.625942 -1.301725
LE9 9GR 28 3 52.627473 -1.296116
LE9 9GS 32 0 52.628187 -1.299793