all postcodes in LL14 / WREXHAM

find any address or company within the LL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL14 2DR 6 0 53.009283 -3.06044
LL14 2DS 16 0 53.008364 -3.061669
LL14 2DT 18 0 53.009003 -3.06167
LL14 2DU 2 0 53.004543 -3.060412
LL14 2DW 22 0 53.009036 -3.062908
LL14 2DY 4 0 53.007865 -3.055889
LL14 2EA 28 0 53.007581 -3.059787
LL14 2EB 16 0 53.007514 -3.060203
LL14 2ED 26 0 53.009066 -3.059555
LL14 2EE 4 0 53.009719 -3.058975
LL14 2EG 8 0 52.998906 -3.066876
LL14 2EH 22 0 53.005215 -3.060951
LL14 2EJ 35 0 53.008313 -3.048225
LL14 2EL 33 0 53.005381 -3.062595
LL14 2EN 15 3 53.008722 -3.049785
LL14 2EP 34 0 53.00575 -3.049295
LL14 2EQ 17 0 53.010294 -3.058974
LL14 2ER 3 0 53.00879 -3.050233
LL14 2ES 18 0 53.007926 -3.050272
LL14 2ET 22 0 53.007243 -3.050315