all postcodes in LL14 / WREXHAM

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL14 2EU 34 0 53.007406 -3.049097
LL14 2EW 14 0 53.007364 -3.049841
LL14 2EY 42 0 53.006038 -3.048319
LL14 2HA 7 0 53.004274 -3.052613
LL14 2HB 38 0 53.005776 -3.050429
LL14 2HD 12 0 53.004549 -3.049922
LL14 2HE 22 0 53.004585 -3.050906
LL14 2HF 17 0 53.005153 -3.052813
LL14 2HG 31 0 53.005732 -3.051366
LL14 2HH 20 0 53.007126 -3.051341
LL14 2HL 14 0 53.005597 -3.052406
LL14 2HN 20 0 53.006607 -3.052103
LL14 2HP 4 0 53.005148 -3.048282
LL14 2HR 8 0 53.006088 -3.048782
LL14 2HS 27 0 53.004016 -3.052278
LL14 2HT 37 0 53.006341 -3.058669
LL14 2HU 37 0 53.00814 -3.058623
LL14 2HW 22 0 53.007684 -3.052293
LL14 2HY 14 3 53.009075 -3.057558
LL14 2LA 13 4 53.009723 -3.058214