all postcodes in LL16 / DENBIGH

find any address or company within the LL16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL16 3DF 4 1 53.186881 -3.411088
LL16 3DG 3 2 53.187042 -3.410449
LL16 3DH 15 0 53.186967 -3.409923
LL16 3DJ 12 0 53.190724 -3.406903
LL16 3DL 0 53.187431 -3.410238
LL16 3DN 3 53.187161 -3.410962
LL16 3DP 2 53.188822 -3.409699
LL16 3DQ 0 53.190849 -3.40547
LL16 3DR 1 53.185112 -3.409398
LL16 3DS 1 53.188649 -3.409828
LL16 3DT 2 53.188035 -3.410796
LL16 3DU 0 53.190538 -3.409786
LL16 3DW 0 53.188182 -3.410338
LL16 3DX 0 53.191297 -3.407101
LL16 3DY 0 53.189619 -3.40992
LL16 3DZ 0 53.190134 -3.405896
LL16 3EB 0 53.186926 -3.406524
LL16 3ED 0 53.188444 -3.411244
LL16 3EE 0 53.188951 -3.410692
LL16 3EF 0 53.189094 -3.410996