all postcodes in LL16 / DENBIGH

find any address or company within the LL16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL16 3EG 0 53.189562 -3.410683
LL16 3EH 3 53.186691 -3.410498
LL16 3EJ 0 53.184511 -3.413883
LL16 3EL 2 53.186434 -3.41067
LL16 3EN 1 53.183379 -3.414594
LL16 3EP 0 53.184285 -3.413232
LL16 3EQ 0 53.190318 -3.404541
LL16 3ER 3 53.187043 -3.407336
LL16 3ES 1 53.186024 -3.409877
LL16 3EU 0 53.185402 -3.404664
LL16 3EW 0 53.18545 -3.410997
LL16 3EX 1 53.185479 -3.408018
LL16 3EY 0 53.184738 -3.402277
LL16 3GA 0 53.18597 -3.412105
LL16 3HA 0 53.184491 -3.403183
LL16 3HB 1 53.184381 -3.408132
LL16 3HD 0 53.186476 -3.407363
LL16 3HE 0 53.183926 -3.40484
LL16 3HF 0 53.185971 -3.402901
LL16 3HG 0 53.185536 -3.401451