all postcodes in LL16 / DENBIGH

find any address or company within the LL16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL16 5LP 2 0 53.149945 -3.629683
LL16 5LR 1 0 53.157533 -3.620575
LL16 5LS 13 0 53.153641 -3.532971
LL16 5LT 6 0 53.148619 -3.541779
LL16 5LU 3 0 53.155396 -3.5495
LL16 5LW 6 0 53.142364 -3.625387
LL16 5LY 9 0 53.154616 -3.558296
LL16 5NA 14 0 53.155623 -3.553264
LL16 5NB 8 0 53.160006 -3.570846
LL16 5ND 20 0 53.166549 -3.586583
LL16 5NE 4 0 53.153833 -3.588282
LL16 5NF 8 0 53.151546 -3.579076
LL16 5NG 7 0 53.168443 -3.574595
LL16 5NH 3 0 53.168953 -3.550811
LL16 5NL 10 0 53.185343 -3.558272
LL16 5NN 5 0 53.174377 -3.565685
LL16 5NP 19 0 53.163492 -3.558707
LL16 5NR 12 0 53.193945 -3.562506
LL16 5NS 11 0 53.137169 -3.571791
LL16 5NT 1 0 53.186517 -3.438569