all postcodes in LL16 / DENBIGH

find any address or company within the LL16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL16 5NU 19 1 53.181691 -3.450006
LL16 5NW 5 0 53.177811 -3.579352
LL16 5NY 3 0 53.178478 -3.460909
LL16 5PA 9 0 53.17223 -3.466756
LL16 5PB 1 0 53.166588 -3.469331
LL16 5PD 4 1 53.161568 -3.477448
LL16 5PE 3 0 53.162761 -3.47131
LL16 5PF 3 0 53.160136 -3.472028
LL16 5PG 6 0 53.155149 -3.479095
LL16 5PH 14 0 53.148231 -3.488876
LL16 5PL 19 0 53.146562 -3.490104
LL16 5PN 4 0 53.143101 -3.489357
LL16 5PP 3 0 53.149895 -3.492448
LL16 5PR 2 0 53.15641 -3.490926
LL16 5PS 4 0 53.152952 -3.497354
LL16 5PT 9 0 53.151807 -3.507396
LL16 5PU 18 0 53.148215 -3.499507
LL16 5PW 3 1 53.139228 -3.49142
LL16 5PX 7 0 53.147489 -3.490705
LL16 5PY 5 0 53.146663 -3.506346