all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 2UU 0 53.291229 -3.470156
LL18 2UW 0 53.295355 -3.464266
LL18 2UX 0 53.291866 -3.467357
LL18 2UY 0 53.290635 -3.468035
LL18 2YA 0 53.291171 -3.468278
LL18 2YB 0 53.306205 -3.47888
LL18 2YD 2 53.30237 -3.467717
LL18 2YE 0 53.293902 -3.467727
LL18 2YG 0 53.293816 -3.468804
LL18 2YH 0 53.294464 -3.468031
LL18 2YL 1 53.295714 -3.468044
LL18 2YN 0 53.295166 -3.468745
LL18 2YP 0 53.310305 -3.473032
LL18 2YR 12 53.311756 -3.482825
LL18 2YS 0 53.309502 -3.47329
LL18 2YU 0 53.29321 -3.469834
LL18 2YW 0 53.296131 -3.468418
LL18 2AJ 15 0 53.312616 -3.494593
LL18 2AQ 9 0 53.316924 -3.484399
LL18 2UJ 10 0 53.293721 -3.459738