all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 2TS 1 53.293117 -3.463529
LL18 2TT 4 53.308103 -3.485235
LL18 2TU 9 53.291328 -3.465703
LL18 2TW 0 53.293917 -3.462836
LL18 2TX 0 53.292772 -3.464522
LL18 2TY 4 53.290864 -3.466858
LL18 2UA 10 53.291594 -3.465953
LL18 2UB 11 53.290958 -3.467222
LL18 2UD 0 53.290469 -3.467639
LL18 2UE 3 53.292754 -3.465272
LL18 2UF 0 53.294064 -3.466202
LL18 2UG 0 53.293511 -3.464367
LL18 2UH 0 53.293412 -3.463659
LL18 2UL 0 53.2947 -3.463493
LL18 2UN 0 53.294693 -3.465533
LL18 2UP 0 53.293872 -3.465055
LL18 2UQ 0 53.291884 -3.466473
LL18 2UR 0 53.292934 -3.468204
LL18 2US 1 53.291714 -3.467997
LL18 2UT 0 53.291821 -3.470236