all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 2PF 9 1 53.317082 -3.481147
LL18 2PG 20 8 53.316683 -3.479962
LL18 2PH 24 7 53.315986 -3.477461
LL18 2PJ 19 0 53.309529 -3.47257
LL18 2PL 19 13 53.316879 -3.477928
LL18 2PN 24 0 53.312728 -3.47193
LL18 2PP 11 0 53.314223 -3.473858
LL18 2PR 14 0 53.313367 -3.472553
LL18 2PS 14 0 53.311487 -3.471947
LL18 2PT 12 0 53.312786 -3.473058
LL18 2PU 10 0 53.311684 -3.47272
LL18 2PW 7 1 53.314568 -3.47357
LL18 2QA 8 4 53.315371 -3.492902
LL18 2QD 22 9 53.313652 -3.485111
LL18 2RA 22 0 53.313402 -3.474085
LL18 2RB 5 0 53.31235 -3.473403
LL18 2RD 18 0 53.30954 -3.470154
LL18 2RE 10 1 53.310028 -3.472138
LL18 2RF 27 4 53.30685 -3.468906
LL18 2RG 11 0 53.307913 -3.470144