all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 2RH 14 1 53.306171 -3.469214
LL18 2RN 18 1 53.311197 -3.480118
LL18 2RP 11 0 53.311289 -3.478485
LL18 2RR 9 0 53.311708 -3.479505
LL18 2RS 25 0 53.312111 -3.48033
LL18 2RU 0 53.297708 -3.46079
LL18 2RW 0 53.310905 -3.478307
LL18 2RX 0 53.297379 -3.461979
LL18 2RY 0 53.297488 -3.461187
LL18 2SA 0 53.296392 -3.461105
LL18 2SB 0 53.295668 -3.464441
LL18 2SD 0 53.296201 -3.463499
LL18 2SF 0 53.295551 -3.466673
LL18 2SH 0 53.296352 -3.46583
LL18 2SJ 0 53.297392 -3.466061
LL18 2SL 0 53.296733 -3.464059
LL18 2SN 0 53.297145 -3.462001
LL18 2SP 0 53.297824 -3.466046
LL18 2SQ 0 53.296799 -3.467511
LL18 2SR 0 53.297795 -3.465459