all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 1EA 50 1 53.31381 -3.498341
LL18 1EB 26 0 53.313756 -3.496914
LL18 1ED 19 0 53.313214 -3.49787
LL18 1EE 6 1 53.31424 -3.50058
LL18 1EG 17 1 53.313191 -3.499627
LL18 1EL 9 0 53.312753 -3.49949
LL18 1EN 14 7 53.321643 -3.490974
LL18 1ER 1 1 53.321475 -3.490728
LL18 1ES 10 6 53.321653 -3.491546
LL18 1ET 9 7 53.321026 -3.490712
LL18 1EU 1 1 53.320185 -3.489647
LL18 1EW 30 22 53.321777 -3.490258
LL18 1HA 1 1 53.320893 -3.490572
LL18 1HB 4 3 53.321462 -3.492514
LL18 1HD 1 1 53.321848 -3.492498
LL18 1HE 18 2 53.321099 -3.494139
LL18 1HF 7 1 53.320454 -3.495452
LL18 1HG 1 1 53.320034 -3.495992
LL18 1HH 27 0 53.31958 -3.497027
LL18 1HL 94 0 53.318731 -3.498814