all postcodes in LL19 / PRESTATYN

find any address or company within the LL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL19 7PR 18 0 53.334658 -3.420362
LL19 7PS 15 0 53.33486 -3.421525
LL19 7PT 9 0 53.335205 -3.420455
LL19 7PU 12 0 53.333321 -3.42697
LL19 7PW 14 0 53.333924 -3.427606
LL19 7PX 9 0 53.335314 -3.418897
LL19 7PY 9 0 53.333497 -3.426511
LL19 7RA 18 0 53.332847 -3.424507
LL19 7RB 33 0 53.332911 -3.422857
LL19 7RD 31 0 53.333706 -3.420315
LL19 7RE 23 0 53.333612 -3.419126
LL19 7RF 4 0 53.334642 -3.418725
LL19 7RG 8 0 53.334684 -3.418215
LL19 7RH 34 0 53.335066 -3.41554
LL19 7RJ 22 0 53.335517 -3.414699
LL19 7RL 63 0 53.334276 -3.416174
LL19 7RN 12 0 53.334512 -3.416813
LL19 7RP 17 0 53.332642 -3.426572
LL19 7RQ 16 0 53.335295 -3.416659
LL19 7RR 5 0 53.333296 -3.42751