all postcodes in LL19 / PRESTATYN

find any address or company within the LL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL19 7RS 6 0 53.332384 -3.425603
LL19 7RT 38 0 53.333628 -3.424608
LL19 7RU 30 0 53.333791 -3.422226
LL19 7RY 42 0 53.334048 -3.420282
LL19 7SA 39 0 53.335336 -3.412456
LL19 7SB 26 0 53.33694 -3.408348
LL19 7SE 7 3 53.334844 -3.406913
LL19 7SF 34 14 53.335729 -3.412649
LL19 7SG 9 1 53.33666 -3.408444
LL19 7SH 28 0 53.336148 -3.411476
LL19 7SJ 6 0 53.335678 -3.419255
LL19 7SL 15 0 53.336832 -3.409096
LL19 7SN 10 0 53.336062 -3.41344
LL19 7SP 19 1 53.336514 -3.412449
LL19 7SR 16 1 53.336245 -3.414663
LL19 7SS 12 0 53.335869 -3.417549
LL19 7ST 8 0 53.335522 -3.420331
LL19 7SU 17 0 53.335347 -3.422187
LL19 7SW 27 0 53.337243 -3.409379
LL19 7SY 11 0 53.335228 -3.423761