all postcodes in LL19 / PRESTATYN

find any address or company within the LL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL19 8EQ 14 0 53.329274 -3.411234
LL19 8EL 9 0 53.32816 -3.411137
LL19 8EN 51 0 53.326471 -3.416426
LL19 8EP 11 0 53.327914 -3.416744
LL19 8ER 31 0 53.326661 -3.417844
LL19 8ES 7 0 53.328056 -3.419212
LL19 8ET 14 0 53.326649 -3.417273
LL19 8EU 39 0 53.324366 -3.412708
LL19 8EW 15 0 53.328069 -3.417335
LL19 8EY 13 0 53.324446 -3.414347
LL19 8HA 29 0 53.323848 -3.410919
LL19 8HB 17 0 53.324233 -3.414851
LL19 8HD 4 0 53.324799 -3.415665
LL19 8HE 3 0 53.323948 -3.4131
LL19 8HF 2 0 53.32788 -3.4226
LL19 8HG 8 0 53.327033 -3.422842
LL19 8HH 5 0 53.318569 -3.409574
LL19 8HJ 31 0 53.325458 -3.422219
LL19 8HL 19 0 53.318712 -3.410435
LL19 8HN 5 0 53.319242 -3.411953