all postcodes in LL19 / PRESTATYN

find any address or company within the LL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL19 8HP 6 0 53.321189 -3.415291
LL19 8HQ 32 0 53.326177 -3.421447
LL19 8HR 11 0 53.320376 -3.415684
LL19 8HT 9 0 53.319757 -3.41706
LL19 8HU 23 0 53.320356 -3.416539
LL19 8HW 11 0 53.320259 -3.414059
LL19 8HX 28 0 53.325504 -3.423632
LL19 8HZ 6 0 53.326184 -3.422363
LL19 8LA 15 6 53.317517 -3.408849
LL19 8LB 15 0 53.31631 -3.412082
LL19 8LD 25 0 53.317229 -3.410386
LL19 8LE 34 0 53.317217 -3.413688
LL19 8LF 4 0 53.316689 -3.411944
LL19 8LG 35 0 53.317509 -3.413322
LL19 8LH 10 0 53.318642 -3.411783
LL19 8LL 15 0 53.318494 -3.412154
LL19 8LN 28 0 53.318012 -3.411117
LL19 8LP 16 0 53.318966 -3.417784
LL19 8LR 16 0 53.319491 -3.416766
LL19 8LS 13 0 53.319768 -3.415334