all postcodes in LL19 / PRESTATYN

find any address or company within the LL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL19 8LT 15 0 53.319571 -3.407671
LL19 8LU 13 0 53.322826 -3.405361
LL19 8LW 9 0 53.318957 -3.415547
LL19 8LY 7 0 53.318433 -3.407363
LL19 8NA 12 1 53.316915 -3.408064
LL19 8NB 12 1 53.321213 -3.404962
LL19 8NF 26 0 53.314911 -3.414062
LL19 8NN 6 0 53.313214 -3.415447
LL19 8NP 35 2 53.316141 -3.41041
LL19 8NQ 4 0 53.316431 -3.409489
LL19 8NR 26 3 53.315245 -3.412482
LL19 8NS 9 0 53.316801 -3.410897
LL19 8NT 4 0 53.314219 -3.415496
LL19 8NU 4 0 53.314624 -3.414818
LL19 8NY 2 0 53.315062 -3.414158
LL19 8PA 37 0 53.314625 -3.417686
LL19 8PB 14 0 53.314554 -3.416872
LL19 8PD 26 0 53.315168 -3.414401
LL19 8PE 32 1 53.315453 -3.414635
LL19 8PG 1 0 53.316088 -3.418695